I do not find much information online about my next peach variety to review: Harrow Beauty. I do know that this peach is grown in both Michigan and Ontario, possibly in other locations as well. It ripens around the same time as Loring and Canadian Harmony peaches and 23 days after Red Haven peaches. It is said to be more winter-hardy than other varieties, which is a good thing when you are growing peaches in Canada.
My Experience with this Peach (Rating Scale 1-10)
Acidity: 7
Peach Flavor: 7
Sweetness: 6
Juiciness: 6
Overall Feeling: Not a bad peach. It has a nice balance of acidity, sweetneess, and peach flavor. It wasn't the best in any one category, just a good overall peach. The ones I bought where on the smaller side, so they wouldn't be as good for canning as it means more worked involved. I try to find the biggest peaches I can for canning.
Where is the best place to buy a good peach? Click here to read my article on shopping for peaches.
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