When it comes to finding different peach varieties to review, grocery stores usually aren't the best option. Most stores just the peaches are yellow flesh or white flesh, without giving a specific variety. That is why I was excited this week to find two varieties I haven't had at Busch's in Saline, Michigan. The first variety I tried was the Orbit Fire. These are a variety of donut or saucer peach. It is a peach that looks like it has been flatten out. These peach tends to be low in acidic and high on sweetness.
There isn't alot of info online about Orbit Fire peaches. I do know they the ones I got were grown by a California farmer the grows produce for Melissa's Produce - a large distributor of produce. Their website indicates that this fruit is a favorite of Chef Ashley James.
My Experience with this Peach (Rating Scale 1-10)
Acidity: 2
Peach Flavor: 5
Sweetness: 9
Juiciness: 7
Overall Feeling: This white fleshed peach was pretty sweet, with not much acidity, making it a good choice for something looking to avoid acidic foods. The flavor was itself was average, still I did enjoy the peach, and if I saw them again, I would buy a couple.
Where is the best place to buy a good peach? Click here to read my article on shopping for peaches.
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