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How to Cook a Juicy Spiral Ham

Instructions on how to cook a spiral ham so that it's not dry, but perfectly juicy.


  • Preheat your oven to 250 degrees
  • Remove ham from all it's packaging and place on a roasting pan with rack. If you don't have one you can use a half sheet pan.
  • Insert the probe of a thermometer on an angle from the side into the deepest part of the ham without hitting any bone.
  • Cover the ham in heavy duty aluminum foil. 
  • Place in the oven. Attach the probe cord to the unit. Set the alarm to go off at 130 degrees. Should take around 4 hours.
  • If applying a glaze, remove the ham from the oven at 130 degrees. Increase the heat to 400 degrees to help the glaze set fast. 
  • Brush the glaze all over the surface of the ham. Return to oven and cook until you hit 140 degrees.
  • Remove ham from oven. Allow to rest for about 15-20 minutes before carving. 


  • If you don't have heavy duty foil to wrap the ham, then do layers of regular foil. You could use an oven bag as well but I don't think they are as good of a value as using foil.
  • If you like pineapple, you can places pieces of pineapple between the slices of the spiral ham before you wrap it in foil. I would use canned pineapple for this as fresh pineapple contains enzymes that may through off the texture of your ham. I haven't tested that myself to be sure yet but many people make this claim.