If I saw a picture of a produce section and somebody asked me what time of year it was, if the photo was winter I would be looking for one thing in particular, stacks of boxes of clementines. Many of those stacks, would be baring the name "Cuties". Right now we are in the dog days of summer and the last thing I would expect to see at the grocery store is the Cuties logo. Yet I did last night. Not in the produce section, but by the juices. There are now several varieties of Cuties brand juices and smoothies. I wanted to start with the juice that most represents what I think of when I think of Cuties, that would be there 100% tangerine juice.
Here are some interesting facts about this juice. It's 100% juice, not from concentrate. It comes in a 48 ounce bottle or smaller single serving sizes. The juice itself is a combination of Clementines and Mandarins. One of the unique things about this juice is that it tells you how much fruit was used to make it, in this case over 35 Cuties. The juice has no preservatives and is gluten free.
The package is very appealing. It gets you excited to try the product. And when I did try it I was not disappointed. Best tangerine juice I have ever had! Perfect balance of sweet and tart. It is exactly what I expected it would be like to drink a glass of Cuties. I will definitely be reviewing the other flavors.
Where to Buy
I purchased mine at a Meijer store in Ann Arbor, Michigan. If you have found this juice, please leave a comment below telling us what store in what city as well as your own thoughts.
Here is where others have found it:
Save Mart, Reno NV
Raley’s in Golden Valley (Reno), NV.
St. Louis, MO at Sams Club
Chucks in Vancouver WA
We buy Cutie's Tangerine juice at Chucks, a whole foods store in Vancouver WA. A large bottle - 48 oz. is around $3.99. Excellent juice!
We buy it here in St. Louis, MO at Sams Club. It's great!
I bought it at Raley's in Golden Valley (Reno), NV.
Save Mart, Reno NV. I can't get enough of this stuff!
Sam's Club in Evansville, Indiana, carries this juice. It is absolutely delicious.
I found it at Harris Teeter in Durham, NC.
I am addicted to this juice! It tastes like pure sunshine and makes all other premium orange juice (yes, I mean Tropicana and the like) taste like swill. I live in the mid-Hudson valley of New York State, and you can find it in Price Chopper Supermarkets and in Target, where there is a grocery department.
I live in Chico, CA and have found it at Safeway and Costco, otherwise, hard to find.
Shelly Smith
Hi Eric, I live near Ann Arbor and I'm having a hard time finding this juice. Are you still finding it at Meijer? Thanks
Eric Samuelson
No. Meijer seems to have stopped carrying it all together. I saw it somewhere recently, can't remember where. I think it was when I was on vacation. I can't think of any other place around Ann Arbor that has it right now, but if I see it around town I will let you know.