The heat is on! It's summer time. People are spending more time outdoors. With that the desire to spend time in the kitchen goes down. Understanding this I want to show you ways you can prepare quick meals that still will satisfy your taste buds and not shy too far away from my "Eat Like No One Else" philosophy. For this month's Costco Food Finds post I will be sharing some great items you can buy to produce quick meals. And as always I will be highlighting what's going down in the produce department as we enter into the most bountiful and exciting time of year.
These blueberries are Pure Michigan!
Blueberries | $7.49 for 2 lbs | 251683
I know I have mentioned blueberries in previous food finds. The prices has been so good this year. And of course being a Michigander I have to recognize the start of Michigan blueberry season. I can't wait to make my Peach Blueberry buckle with them.
Dapple Dino pluots grown by Kingsburg Orchards
Pluots | $6.99 for 3.5 lbs ($1.97/lb) | 967612
Pluots are that crazy combination of plum and apricot. Kingsburg Orchards markets them under their Dinosaur Brand. And why not? Kids love dinosaurs. It's good marketing. This particular variety is the Dapple Dino pluot. It has a dappled colored appearance on the outside and is beautifully red on the inside. Sweet and flavorful. Gotta to give the while they are in season. Perfect for my Pluot-Rhubarb Cobbler.
Midnight Beauty black seedless grapes grown by SunWorld.
Midnight Beauty Black Grapes | $5.99 for 4 lbs ($1.49/lb) | 17744
SunWorld is one of my favorite grape growers. I appreciate that they clearly print the variety of grape on their packaging. So you can learn exactly what grapes you are getting. Midnight Beauty is a good black grape variety and a buck forty nine a pound is a good price to pay. Watch out for their Sable Seedless grapes at Walmart coming up in August.
These mushroom look beautiful and they are organic.
Organic White Mushrooms | $4.99 or 24oz ($3.32/lb) | 113523
A quick summer time meal option could include mushrooms. They are super easy to cook and are a great replacement option to meat. We have been teaching our nine year old daughter how to cook them herself. She likes them cooked with butter and salt in a frying pan.
July is the best month of the year to pick up these super sweet Rainier cherries.
Rainier Cherries | $7.99 for 2 lbs | 53747
Another family favorite - my wife this time - is the Rainier cherry. They are sweet. Great options for kids as they don't stain their clothing. Make sure to always be careful when feeding your kids cherries so they don't choke on them. You can invest in a cherry pitter if that is a concern or if you plan to make something with a lot of cherries - cobbler anyone?
Man, do these Ribeye steaks look good. Couldn't help but take a photo of them.
Prime Bone-In Ribeye Steak | $13.99/lb | 12233
Sometimes Costco will have a special section setup with extra meat and seafood. They are displayed behind cases with a worker ready to serve you. This trip I spotted some amazing looking USDA Prime Bone-In Ribeye Steaks. This is your special occasion steak right here. Look at the marbling - the fat running through the meat. And bone-in means more flavorful. I have seen USDA Choice ribeyes going for around this same price that didn't look as nice.
Summer Meal Planning
As I stated in the top of this post, I want to help you with quick summer meal planning. Below you will find a great meal plan that you can cook quickly on the grill while you enjoy the outside. Comes with salad and bread and the fruit of your choice. The bread I choose is their Roasted Garlic Parmesan Bread. We were given this bread before from a friend and thought it was pretty good stuff.
Here is the meal plan.
1. Marinated Chicken Kabobs (on the grill)
2. Organic Chopped Salad
3. Any fresh fruit from the choices above
4. Roasted Garlic Parmesan Bread (2 loaves for $6.99) | 36996
Frozen chicken kabobs that are easy to throw onto the grill.
Skoulakis Marinated Chicken Kabobs| $7.69 for 8-4oz packages ($3.85/lb) | 994910
My kids love food on a stick. Corn dogs are one of my daughter's favorite foods. My younger daughter who is not a very good eater right now, will sometime eat food on a stick that she wouldn't eat without the stick. Sticks are fun 🙂 These kabobs are a quick dinner option that isn't too expensive - under $4 a pound. Doing the outside on the grill will keep you from having to heat up your oven, this heating up the whole house.
Chopped salads are all the rage right now. Lots of companies coming out with their own versions.
Earthbound Organic Chopped Salad | $4.99 | 1142608
A easy to make salad that is organic. The few times we have had a salad kit like this we always have extra. BBQ Ranch goes perfect with the cookout theme.
The Cheese for a Caprese salad
If you are a fan of fresh, locally grown tomatoes then you probably make Caprese salads (tomatoes, cheese, basil, often with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar). Raw tomatoes and me are not friends. I envy those that love them. I just can't do it.
The best cheese for a Caprese salad that Costco had to offer:
The perfect cheese for summer's favorite salad.
Belgioioso Burrata Cheese | $6.69 for 16oz | 797684
Burrata is fresh Mozzarella with a surprise inside - shredded mozzarella that has been soaked in cream. Belgioioso are pros at making good mozz.
Hot Dog Recommendation
Summer would not be summer without hot dogs on the grill. It's another quick, it's too hot to cook in my kitchen meal ideas. Below you will find my recommended hot dogs to buy at Costco.
My wife's favorite hot dog.
Hebrew National All Beef Hot Dogs | $8.99 for 4-12oz packages
Most stores you are going to pay $4-$5 for a pack of these hot dogs. At Costco you get 4 packs for $8.99. That's waht I would call a great deal. These are all beef hot dogs. They are just the best.
I like a more substantial bun.
S. Rosen's Brat & Sausage Buns | $3.39 for 12 buns
I don't like cheap hot dogs buns. Costco does offer that option. But I would rather have these better tasting S. Rosen's Brat and Sausage Buns. Yes I know they are meant for larger meat, but you could always put 2 hot dogs in them!
I am a big fan of the kettle cooked potato chip.
Cape Cod Kettle Chips | $3.99 for 30oz bag | 669434
The natural quick side to go with the hot dogs is potato chips. No, I am not trying to kill you. Hot Dogs and chips should not be a daily ritual. We only do it when we are tired and hot in summer. Cape Cod chips are one of my favorites. And right now they are on sale through the 23rd.
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