Does the thought of cooking your Thanksgiving turkey bring you joy or stress? Whether you feel intimidated by the bird or you just want to cook the perfect turkey, I am going to help with that today. I have Chef Martin from ThermoWorks on hand to talk turkey and temperature. He will share with us the correct way to use a thermometer to produce the moist juicy turkey you have ever had.
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🌡️ What Thermometers for a Turkey
I hope everyone enjoyed this interview Chef Martin. It was one of my favorites I have done. For Thanksgiving I recommend having two thermometers on hand:
The DOT® will help you track the temperature of your turkey during the cooking time. It's affordable and can be a Thanksgiving saver!
The Thermapen® ONE can be used to double check to make sure your turkey is done and it's also really good to taste the guess work out of whether potatoes, sweet potatoes, rolls, or even pies are perfectly cooked.
If you are smoking turkey then go with the Smoke X.
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