Not sure you can eat the outside of muenster cheese? What is it is made of and why it is there?
Answers await you below!
Answer: Yes, you can eat the orange/red part on muenster cheese. Muenster is considered a washed-rind cheese. The orange/red coloring is either a vegetable coloring or very mild paprika.
Cheddar cheese is colored orange as well, but with muenster the color is only on the outside. This is all based on the idea that the general public got the idea that orange cheese is better. Some cheese appeared more orange from cows eating a diet that was higher in beta carotene.
So go right ahead and eat Muenster in it's entirely.
There is another cheese spelled differently called "Munster cheese". This is a smelly cheese from France that is has different type of rind. I have never seen it before. Eating that rind is going to be more like eating the rind of a cheese like Brie.
To learn more about Muenster cheese, check out my post "What is Muenster Cheese?"
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