Out of all the cherry varieties I have tried, the Sonnet cherry is the clear winner for best flavor. If you even like cherry a little bit, you got to give Sonnet a try.
As a food blogger, I often remember the time and place I tried a new variety of a fruit.
I was walking into a Walmart while on vacation in Minnesota. We needed some water bottles for the kids. As I walked in to quickly grab some, I glanced at what was in the produce section.
I spotted a variety of cherry that I never had seen before called Sonnet. At Walmart of all the places. Overall I am not a fan of the quality and freshness of their product department but sometimes they end up getting varieties of fruit that I haven't found elsewhere.
Anyway with great excitement I ran back to the van to my waiting family ready to give thees cherries a try.
One bite and I immediately knew, there was a new favorite cherry in my life!
What are Sonnet Cherries?
These are large cherries that are a bright, solid red color. They ripen in the early to mid part of the cherry season. The variety was first released to growers in 1998. It's a cross between a Van and Stella cherry.
What Do They Taste Like?
Sonnet cherries are a low acid variety with a sweetness that shines through. It's such a sweet cherry with a richness than the best Rainier cherry couldn't dream of having. Never I have had a cherry that was super sweet and super flavorful all at once. If I was forced to only eat one type of cherry the rest of my life this would be the one.
When in Season?
You can find Sonnet cherries in season during the month of July. It's a short, sweet season.
Where to Buy
Unfortunately so far the only place I have found them at is Walmart in 2018 and 2019. I didn't find any in 2020, so I am concerned that this variety may not be that takes off in stores. I wonder how well they would grow in Michigan? 🙂
Other Cherries You Should Try Too
Also quench your thirst with the Top Tasting Cherry Sodas.
Wow, I've never seen Sonnet cherries. I'm such a fan of Ranier cherries I won't even buy red cherries any more, but now with this information about Sonnet cherries, I'll have to look for them and give them a try. I wouldn't have noticed if they were in my stores this year because they were red and I was only buying the yellow Raniers!!