Temple Mandarins (sometimes called oranges) are a juicy with a strong flavor. Enjoy them as long as you don't mind a few seeds - it's worth it for the flavor.
One of the best things about winter is the citrus.
Stores are packed full of many orange and yellow treats from warmer climates.
One of those treats has a name fit for a king, the Temple Royal Mandarin (sometimes called a Tangor or just Temple orange). The Royal Mandarin is a cross between a tangerine and an orange.
The mandarin has a nice sweet orange taste, that is juicy and acidic with a little bit of a lemon undertone. The outside is a red-orange color.
The Temple was first discovered on the island of Jamaica in 1896. The name "Temple" comes from W.C. Temple who recommended them to his friend H.E. Gillett who began growing them and selling them in 1919. their popularity didn't really take off until 1940. Now, you should be able to find them nationwide.
❔ Do They Have Seeds
It contains seeds about 2-3 per segment, although some segment I found to be seedless. They are easy to peel like a Clementine. There is much pith (the white stuff) to deal with.
? When in Season
They are available from January thru April, mainly from Florida.
I found my sample at my local Meijer store in Ann Arbor, Michigan marked as "temple oranges". If you can find them there are several sources where you can order them online and have them shipped to you. A simple Google search will show you.
? Try These Other Citrus Varieties
If you haven't tried these varieties below you will want to seek them out.
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