In this episode learn all about the different apple varieties from New Zealand that end up on our shores. New Zealand offers some varieties that are exclusive to them and are the most recently harvested apples you can buy in your grocery store during the late spring and summer months.
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During the late spring time is when you start finding apples in the stores that were shipped over from New Zealand. While they grow a lot of the same varieties that we have, there are some that I come across that I only see being grown in New Zealand. In this episode we are going to look at those varieties.
But before we do I want to point out that if you are a huge apple fan like me, you got to sign up for our Apple Club newsletter. I send you information about the varieties I am trying in the stores. Plus you won't miss any apple related podcast episodes in the future. Check out our show notes pages after listening to this episode.
I am going to give you my opinion of each New Zealand apple I have reviewed.
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🍋 Lemonade Apple
I want to start this conversation with my favorite New Zealand variety, the Lemonade apple. This yellow apple that is tall like a Braeburn is sweet enough for out of hand eating but with enough tartness to satisfy me. It is a juicy apple. The juice seems to burst in your mouth like bubbles if you can imagine that. I can almost imagine myself drinking sparkling juice.
The flavor is good, but don't expect it to taste like lemon. The color of the apple and the tartness to it, is why the lemonade name fits.
🍎 Dazzle Apple
Dazzle was developed in New Zealand, Dazzle apples are a large red apple being grown by several orchards. To be frank I don't see what the big deal about this apple is. Yes it is more juicy than a Gala or a Fuji apple, two of the most sold apples in the US. The flavor itself is pretty ok. Nothing memorable and not unlike anything else that has come out in the last 10 years. Sure it's crispy and sweet but a lot of apples that have come out recently are crispy and sweet.
🍎 NZ Prince
NZ Prince, formerly called Kingsbeer Red, is a very red apple that was discovered as a chance seedling in an orchard in New Zealand. Not to be confused with the Red Prince apple which is a different variety altogether.
I was not really impressed with this apple. It wasn't super crisp and mildly juicy. The flavor of the apple was decent at first, but after several bites I became bored with it. Overall, not a great apple that I would really want to buy again.
🍎 Joburn
The Joburn is an improved Braeburn. While not my favorite apple these weren't bad at all. Nothing I would actively seek out but if choosing amongst other apples it would have a chance. As it is a type of Braeburn you can use it the same way you would use any other Braeburn. So you can cook with it and it will hold it's shape. Joburn is a bit sweeter than I would like for a cooking/baking apple - however it can work in the absence of better options.
🍎 Diva
Every new apple that comes out seems to always be about two things - sweet and crisp with flavor being a distant third. I was thinking oh no not another sweet, crunchy, yet flavorless apple. Diva has some flavor along with a bit of acidity, so it's more than drinking sugar water. It's super juicy. One of the juiciest apples I have ever had! Plenty of juice for juicing making.
🍎 Premier Star
Premier Star is a sweet apple for sure, but a good sweet apple. It wasn't just sweetness, it has some flavor to it. The flavor starts out bright, and slightly fruity. It doesn't live a lingering sweetness in your mouth like a variety that is too sweet. I think Gala apple fans will like this one.
🍎 Breeze
Breeze is decent eating apple, sweet, but not in your face sweet. It's a pretty red color and is fairly juicy. I haven't had one in a while as they aren't super common to find.
If you have tried any of these apples on the list, please let us know. I want to hear from you. Leave a comment below.
🛒 Before You Checkout
What you need to know before you checkout at the grocery store or market:
Not all the apples we talked about today are going to be easy to find. I have found all of them at one point but never in the same season. Luckily Lemonade is the one that I find the most. I usually don't go a year without seeing them. I usually get them at Meijer in the Midwest or the Fresh Market.
🎧 More Episodes
If you are a huge apple fan you will need to check out these episodes too.
- Episode 056 - These Apples are Red Inside!
- Episode 086 - The Future of Honeycrisp
- Episode 110 - How Apples Like Evercrisp Last So Long
⭐ Reviews
Want to check out our full reviews on every apple in we mentioned today. Here is the list:
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